Redfish are the king of the flats for Beaufort, SC. We fish for them year around and can target them in many ways. From flies to spin gear they can be found on both shallow water flats and tidal creeks to deeper water grass edges and structure. These fish provide a strong pull and a lot of action and are a favorite amongst the sight fishing enthusiast.
Speckled Trout
Spring to early winter is usually when targeted. Both live bait, artificial, and flies can be effective ways to catch these fish. Although they are not the biggest of our local species, they can provide a lot of action and keep anglers busy catching.
Atlantic Triple Tail
These coastal semi-migratory and pelagic fish have become one of my favorite species to sight fish for. Ranging in size from five to 20 pounds, the Triple Tail can be found floating on the surface, presenting itself multiple times often giving the angler multiple shots. It fights good and tastes even better. They will eat bait, artificial, and flies. Early summer to early fall is when I target this species.
These migratory fish are a blast to catch and sight fish for! Whether with a fly rod or spin rod, guaranteed a fun fight, experience and good eating too.
Summer time fun for those who like a drag screaming hard tug on the end of the line. They are very abundant and can be caught on both bait and fly. We have many species and can target them inshore and right off the beaches behind shrimp boats.